with Purpose

What We Do

Alpha Lion Holdings is an eCommerce company focused on building a portfolio of industry-leading brands and Shopify apps. Our internationally diverse marketing, development, logistics, and fulfillment teams handle every aspect of brand creation and operation internally.

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Funnel Optimization

B2B Outreach

Fulfillment & Logistics

Branding & Marketing

About Us

We make disruptive, socially conscious eCommerce brands and apps. Our business model goes beyond profit-making strategies as we seek to employ net-positive approaches to meeting our customers’ needs.

Our core competencies - Branding, Funnel and UI/UX Optimization, Content, SEO, SEM, Google Shopping, Facebook Ads, Amazon, B2B Distribution, 3rd Party eCommerce Platforms, Email Marketing, Shopify Apps

Shopify Apps

e-Commerce Brands & Apps

SEO & SEM & Analytics

Web Design & Optimize

Our Founders

Founded by couple Billy Buckles and Tram Pham, Alpha Lion Holdings began as a bold foray into independent entrepreneurship.

While maturing in their careers in digital ad tech and integrative medicine, respectively, Billy and Tram saw an opportunity to turn their own ideas into business ventures.

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Billy Buckles

The yang to Tram's yin, Billy is a classic Leo: competitive, ultra-enthusiastic, and passionate.

Empowered with strong math skills from a young age, Billy's internet marketing superpower lies in his ability to conceptualize and execute granular analyses and quickly iterate off his findings . Over the course of his career, he has scaled websites to over $10,000 revenue/day in more than a dozen disparate verticals.

Billy is always seeking to pursue new challenges. Tram often has to rein him in as he gets excited about a new business idea or a prospectus for a business for sale.

Both Tram and Billy love experiencing new cultures and cuisines with their daughter Sunny, born in 2017. They plan to live in multiple countries in the coming years.

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Tram Pham

Born in post-war Vietnam, Tram embraces her humble Asian background.

She's a classic scrappy Vietnamese entrepreneur - business and home life have long bled together for her, just like the famous hybrid dual storefront/homes of Vietnam. She has worked day and night in her career to create success.

She boasts a Master's degree in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. She counted a number of the most famous people in the world as her regular patients while living in Los Angeles and throughout her time as owner/lead practitioner of the Santa Barbara Herb Clinic. Future Alpha Lion brands will build off her background in Eastern medicine.

She's in training for a marathon, which she hopes to run in 2023.

She's all about Girl Power (!), and aspires to inspire women in all walks of life who are young in their careers. It doesn't matter where you're born - the glass ceiling is shatterable with daily grit, determination and effort. Anything is possible, don't let yourself get in the way!

Our Story

Founded by couple Tram Pham and Billy Buckles, Alpha Lion Holdings had a surreptitious start in Tram's hallway linen closet in Los Angeles shortly after they met in 2010. There, lonely in the dark, sat a few thousand dollars worth of inventory she purchased using some of her student loan money as part of the first business idea she ever had. The items languished away as she struggled to think of ways to sell them. She started dating Billy, and he gave her tips for how to market the products online. Dates fused into full blown brainstorming sessions, as they had little free time outside of their maturing careers in integrative medicine and digital ad tech, respectively.

Soon, sales started starting coming in and the product outgrew the closet and took over the area under the bed, the kitchen, the spare bedroom, and eventually even the guest house. In 2016, they rented their first warehouse space, and that's when things got serious as they suddenly had extra room to fill with more ideas.

Now 12 years since they met, they have created or acquired 14 businesses and currently operate seven with multiple soon to launch. Their collection of socially conscious brands reflects the way they live and has grossed eight figures lifetime, with aggregate revenue growth all 11 years since launch.

What was once just a 10-hour per week partnership has now grown into a remote global team of digital analysts, product developers, writers, programmers, fulfillment specialists, salespeople, and creatives whose talents blossom in our competitive environment.

They've come a long way from that tiny linen closet where Tram's dream nearly died.

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Positive & Encouraging Environment
Top-Down Mentorship

Our Culture

At Alpha Lion Holdings, we create challenge each team member to continually improve and grow and empower them with the tools, guidance, and support they need to succeed in any role. We strive to provide life-changing career opportunities for hungry junior people in developing countries to exceed their professional ambitions.

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Unique Growth Opportunities
Flexible Working Time

A(pex) Players Only

We are a team of top achievers and only hire people who have ambition to hang with the best of the best. If you're determined to become elite, seeking an opportunity to be empowered with as much responsibility as you prove you can handle and are willing to go above and beyond to make it happen, we will do our part to help you continually mature.

Perhaps the best part is our team has the opportunity to earn financial upside to match the value they add. Compensation with us is never capped by a developing country's economy- we love to see the pay of successful hires skyrocket with our company over time.

Our Culture

Alphalionholdings team Alphalionholdings team

Our Global Team

The Alpha Lion Holdings team is mostly remote and spread across eight countries, supported by a tight-knit team operating out of a warehouse in New Mexico.

Global location

Wanna Join?

Are you looking to step into bigger shoes? Try us out. We’re always looking for people who have the ambition, enthusiasm, and determination to be something more.

To Apply for a Role as a Digital Marketer, Analyst, Designer, Developer (Front and Back End Roles Avialable!), Content Writer, or B2B Salesperson, please submit your resume and a cover letter about yourself to